XIZI OTIS escalator steps GAA26140 aluminum alloy escalator treads

For product confirmation, please provide the escalator step brand, model, front and back pictures, step width, step wheel dimensions; Japanese brands may provide escalator angles (Hitachi, Thyssen, Mitsubishi, Sigma, Fuji, Hyundai)


  • Brand: XIZI OTIS
  • Type: GAA26140
  • Width: 1000mm
  • Material: Aluminum alloy
  • Product Detail

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    Brand Type Width   Materia
    XIZI OTIS GAA26140 1000mm/800mm/600mm Aluminum alloy

    Flame retardant edge strip, wear-resistant and shock-absorbing.

    Escalator steps are generally exported in wooden boxes; if you have special needs, please contact customer service.

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